Wednesday, August 1, 2012


It seems like everyone I know is blogging these days and I was thinking it's time I got in on the action. 

So here we go, ready or not.  My very first blog post. 

But what do I blog about????

Believe it or not I gave this question quite a bit of thought.  I didn't think my day to day life was interesting enough to devote a whole blog to, but the more I thought about it, I do have some crazy interesting things that just happen to me without any provocation.  Shouldn't I share that with the the masses???  The answer is, ABSOLUTELY!!  So in addition to my weird encounters I have also recently become obsessed with Pinterest.  I pin everything from weight loss info, exercise info, recipes and hair and beauty items.  Not only have I pinned half the internet, I've also tried several of these pins out.  I've had great successes and epic fails and I figured wouldn't it be helpful if I actually shared my experiences with the blogosphere??  So without further ado, I'm here and ready to blog my little heart out!

Just a little info about me.  I'm 29, 35 (boooo!), I'm married to the most patient and tolerant husband on the planet, Joey, and I have my 6yr old baby boy big kid, Cael, that complete my little family.  Here's a pic of us from vacay last weekend.
I'm sure in the blogs to come these guys will make appearances so you'll get to know them pretty well. 

That's all I have for right now.  I've got lots of work to do getting my first "pinterest" blog ready.  I tried a recipe out last night and I think I'm going to share that one first.  Details to come....


  1. Welcome to the blog world! I'm so excited!

    1. Thanks!! I can't wait to start posting "for real". Baby steps!
